IV Cannula | Manufacturer | Exporter | Supplier | Lars Medicare India
The intravenous therapy is generally believed to be a procedure where in a vein is punctured through the skin using an IV Cannula providing venous access. The IV cannula is generally conducted on all those individuals who
Who are critically ill?
Who are having nothing per Orem for surgery or for any other specific kind of reason?
With fluids and electrolytes disturbance.
Keeping the above things in mind given below are some of the major step that you can try and use through the insertion process.
Checking the doctor’s order identifying the client and secure consent. IV insertion is something that cannot be done with the permission given by the doctor. Proper identification will help in ensuring that the procedure is done in a right manner.
Washing your hands and keeping all the equipment’s kept aside. Ensures asepsis and a smooth flow of procedure.
Explaining all your procedures to your clients and customer’s, answering their queries. Doing this decreases fears and anxiety that generally takes place among the patients who are going through iv insertion.
Selecting an IV. Now when it comes to the process of selecting an iv cannula it is always considered to be the best when you choose veins that are distal veins so that incase if there is something damaged on one side the other side can be chosen immediately. Avoiding areas that can easily bend.
Asking the patient to rest his or her arm of the selected vein. This turns out to make the entire process possible.
Make sure that you put on the gloves and have maintained asepsis.
Cleaning the insertion site starting form middle to the site that is going outward. This also helps in reducing the transmission of the micro-organisms. So do make sure that you leave that area dry before beginning with the entire insertion process.
Applying tourniquet nearly 5 to 6 inches above the selected site engorges the vein for the easier insertion process.
Make sure that you have the catheter inserted above 20–30 degree angle with the bevel that is facing upwards. Doing this will help you in preventing the damage that can be caused to the posterior wall of the vein.
Hold your thumb over the vein that is above the tip of the catheter and then release the tourniquet slowly. Doing this will help in preventing the blood leakage and helps in restabilising the venous flow of the blood.
Lars Medicare are the major manufactures and exporters of complete and comprehensive range of high quality medical disposable devices including IV Cannula Manufacturer, Safety Cannula, three way stop cock, Extension Line etc. So what other tips would you like to add to the blog post above. How have the above mentioned tips turned to work out for you? Leave your comments below. We will be happy to add them above. More Information Please Visit: https://www.larsmedicare.com/iv-cannula-exporter-manufacturer-supplier/