Safety I.V Catheter and its information

Lars Medicare
2 min readSep 22, 2020


A Safety I.V Catheter is one of the disposable medical devices used in the process of intravenous therapy. Intravenous therapy is done in such medical cases where the medicine cannot be given to the patient orally. For that, the medical experts designed such a medical disposable device that helps in delivering the medicines through a vein.
Adding to the above statement, in order to give medications through the vein, the hospital and the nursing staff will have to pierce it and allow a source that would transfer the medicines from the drip.
In a medical condition where a patient is bought in a situation where the medicines cannot be given orally, the doctor or the nursing staff often recommends for the intravenous therapy. The hospital or the nursing staff then prepares for intravenous therapy.
A vein is selected for the Cathetertion process. Safety I.V Catheter is used to pierce the vein. When the catheter is inserted in the vein the catheter part stays in while the needle part comes out.
The safety feature of the safety I.V Catheter activates as soon as the needle is being pulled out from the vein leaving behind the catheter. The cage covers up the needle part, thus helps in avoiding the needle stick injuries among the hospital and the nursing staff.
The safety I.V Catheter is widely used these days because it ensures the safety of the ones who save us. There have been many incidents where a needle stick injury has infected medical staff so badly that he/she ended up in an ICU.
So, to avoid these things the hospital management is focused to purchase only safety I.V Catheter for intravenous therapy, as they can then perform intravenous therapy with much ease.
During an epidemic, the hospital or the nursing staff is so much in the rush that they forget about their own safety. Using a safety I.V Catheter not only helps in ensuring their safety but for the people around them too.
The design of the safety I.V Catheter is very compact and stylish. It’s the design of the product which makes it either easy or difficult for anyone to use it.



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