The procedure of the intravenous cannulation using an I.V Catheter
The purpose of Intravenous catheter insertion or an IV catheter insertion is to provide medicines to perform intravenous therapy to the patient. There are some cases where the medicines, fluids, or other essential and important liquids are not advised to be taken orally, in that case, intravenous therapy is used to supply such important elements directly to the patient’s body.
Intravenous therapy is carried out by inserting a needle in the selected vein of the patient’s forearm and then connecting it with an I.V set and then the fluid/liquid administrator.
According to the medical experts the vein selection should be carried out very carefully to insert I.V Catheter. In adults, the needle is mostly inserted in arms and back of the hands, but in children, it is mostly inserted in feet. In adults, the feet are not chosen for intravenous therapy because by doing so there is a risk of thrombophlebitis. It should be kept in the mind that the hands should be properly sanitized before starting the therapy.
The area near the vein should be properly cleaned and sanitized with the help of a sanitizer; the nursing staff or the health staff should also make sure to clean their hands before inserting the I.V Catheter to the patient. The hospital and the nursing staff should avoid selecting a Melin cubital vein and cephalic vein, this is because selecting these veins can cause nerve damage, they should use the most distal site possible for the cannulation process.
Important things which are required are during the preparation for the intravenous therapy are Tourniquet, absorbent pad, chlorhexidine swales, 2 pair of latex-free gloves, proper size over the needle catheter, I.V needleless connector, I.V extension tubing, barrier solution, I.V adhesive securement device, transparent tape, 2X2 sterile gauze.
Whenever the medicines, fluids, liquids, or drugs are supplied to the patient after inserting the I.V catheter, the patient might feel cold sensation and salty taste in the mouth. It is a duty and responsibility of the doctor or nursing staff to educate the patient about the procedure and possible complications before venipuncture.
Further, doctors and the nursing staff should also tell their patients about the complete process and pain associated with insertion. Also, it is observed that in most cases where many patients think that needle remains in the vein after insertion. It becomes very important to educate them that only the soft, flexible catheter portion remains in the vein and that they would be able to move the arm or hands-free without any harm.